878 posts tagged with etiquette.
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Don’t be a hoser*, eh?
Although many tariffs are again delayed, the political landscape has been shifted by Donald Trump and Canadians and Americans uneasily find themselves on opposite sides of a border that is, economically at the least and potentially existentially under threat. If this week’s tariff thread is any indication, this fracture can lead to differences in opinion and sentiment – new and old – flaring up on the site. This post is from a Canadian perspective – one, because there are many of course. Hoping it may help to express a minority (8% of all traffic) perspective and also have some discourse. This is NOT a policy or mod ask. All opinions my own. [more inside]
Too Many Links
This post is a revised version of a comment I posted a little while ago on this post on the blue by kliuless.
My complaint was that the post was really more of a linkdump than a coherent post. It's not the first time kliuless has done this, but I'm not singling them out -- I'm pretty sure I've seen other users do the same thing. [more inside]
Working together on ableism
What can we as community members learn from each other and help each other improve about posting and commenting around issues that relate to disabilities/differences? [more inside]
Archive link request
The use of archive sites to get around paywalls has been discussed a few times already. I'd like to foreground a request: when using an archive link, please also include the original link. This is for 2 reasons... [more inside]
a paid for pony
I'd like to return, if possible, to the previously discussed pony request that the site find some way to label/tag/denote paywalled or subscriber locked articles (or sites which haven't bothered updating to GDPR regulations, but this is a small side pony as I'm aware it doesn't apply to everyone). Clicking a link in a post only to smack into a wall is getting increasingly tiresome (and happening with increasing frequency). [more inside]
Paywall Labelling
I would really like it if all post links that led to sites with a paywall were so marked with an icon or parenthetical like ($) or something. I don't care so much about comment links but if the link parser was automated then that could be a trivial addition thing. If the catalogue of pay sites was database driven it could be updated in real time.
In any case, until there's an automated system, I would really appreciate manual/etiquette related efforts to make it clear which links do and do not go to the open web. Thanks for your consideration.
Platform/system requirements in video game posts
Many thanks to everyone who makes MetaFilter posts about cool new video games! And one request: When possible, could these posts please include information about which platforms the game runs on? [more inside]
Fanfare critical standards
The discussion of Joker on Fanfare includes a lot of comments that are flat-out negative. How much of that is allowed on fanfare? Has policy shifted to allow more of it? [more inside]
Earlier today after a passing a family while walking down the street I said to my wife, "The interesting question to me isn't why some people murder their children. It's why anyone doesn't murder their children" - I didn’t think comments about murdering any types of people were allowed, but this one still stands. [more inside]
My grandmother is smarter than you
How would you explain it to your grandmother? is such a terrible question to ask regarding tech. I work daily in my office with actual, real-live grandmothers who actively develop software with IBM and RedHat. Please kill this ageist and sexist assumption. It is actively harmful and factually incorrect.
Possible alternates could be: layman's terms, plain English, simplify it for me... [more inside]
Possible alternates could be: layman's terms, plain English, simplify it for me... [more inside]
Ettiquette on reposting an entire, ongoing website
I discovered an awesome website today.
Said website was posted to MeFi in 2011, in a post about the website itself. Specific pages of the website also appear within collections of links in 2 more recent posts (2017, 2018), although the posts aren't specifically featuring the website itself.
The website is still going and still full of excellent content (7 years worth of additional content from the 2011 post). Is it frowned on for me to post it again?
Fanfare Etiquette Issue
I don't want to be the one posting this thread, and that's a problem. [more inside]
Can we stop attacking left-of-Clinton/anti-establishment folks on here?
There is no problem with individuals expressing views critical of Sanders, Stein, Snowden, Greenwald etc. The problem is when an echo chamber develops making pro-establishment-ism the only acceptable position and vehemently jumping on views to the contrary with more emotion than reason.
It seems to me that MeFi 2016 has become such an echo chamber. This is no doubt due to the very real threat posed by Donald Trump and the Republican Party, and the consequent necessity of a Clinton win, but has developed to the point where it has the effect of recursively self-amplifying a pro-establishment position and silencing more radical/anarchist/antifa or otherwise anti-establishment views.
Fiddling With Doubles
A post linking to the story of Philip Johnson, thief of the Totenberg Stradivarius, was just deleted as a double, with this previous version of the story - an entirely different article, telling the tale of what happened when the violin was found - cited as the double. [more inside]
We're adding a soft warning for long above-the-fold text on the blue
We’re adding a heads-up note to the posting process on the front page when previewing a long-above-the-fold post, to help provide folks with preemptive feedback about post length. It’s not enforced—your post won’t be truncated by the posting process or anything like that—but we’re hoping it’ll help folks think about how they’re framing stuff in terms of how much vertical space it might occupy. [more inside]
Are original field recordings of natural sounds OK on MeFi Music?
I could not find anything specific concerning this in the FAQ. However, since field recordings of nature/city soundscapes may not meet the traditional definition of a "music composition", I wanted to get some clarification. [more inside]
Being kind about framing
Sometimes bad framing can make a discussion instantly go pear shaped. I would ask other users to pause and try to give links at least a cursory read-through before responding to solely what is written on the front page. Especially when your response is overridingly negative. Even a post with bad framing can have content that will generate quality discussion. [more inside]
Can we talk about the dumb show I like?
I am interested in writing about a show on FanFare. Now what? [more inside]
Please help me improve my comment
I waded into the discussion with a comment that I thought was asking for some help understanding the argument of the article under discussion. Can it be improved, or should I not have posted at all? [more inside]
how to host a successful meetup when new in town
Hello all :) I would like to post a meetup event. I am new to Halifax (Nova Scotia) and several AskMeFi responses suggested this as a good way to make friends. I would like to know the behavior Metafilter participants expect of the "hosts" ... More inside ... [more inside]
Easily Googled AskMefi Questions
What are your thoughts on AskMefi questions that can be easily Googled and/or are based on erroneous information? (I'm thinking specifically of this question, which contains both factually incorrect details and could easily be answered with Google. There isn't a request for advice, experiential information, anecdata, or other relevant info that a search engine couldn't provide. What does everyone think? Is this a normal/appropriate use of AskMefi?
Joke Taboos
Can Mefites explain why MetaFilter as a whole seems to consider e.g. Chris Christie fat jokes morally unacceptable but Rob Ford crack cocaine jokes are funny fun times? I'm somehow guessing a "imagine all the donuts Chris Christie is gonna eat when he wins the Presidency" wouldn't be considered Mefi-funny, but I don't see what underlying moral principle is at work here.
Just wondering about the etiquette of threadsitting
When someone posts to AskMefi, is there a standard etiquette that posters should be knowing to follow? Something like "Do not post any responses for 24 hours after you've posted your question or else you will be threadsitting/tempted to threadsit," perhaps? I avoid Metafilter for 24 hours after I post anything because then I feel like an embarrassed ass asking a question, but that's just me. I was wondering if this was any kind of ... more official thing for everyone else, or should be, or what.
I realize that "best of the web" isn't a hard and fast rule...
But what has your mother done for you lately?
Grammar Corrections are Douchey, Right?
like when someone posts:
"To be honest, the income difference doesn't phase us....."
I wouldn't respond with "faze", right? Even if *I* like to be corrected?
I guess it's ok to NOT answer the question now?
So, in this thread about what to ask an ex- in a post-break-up meeting the vast majority of the answers are about how this is a bad idea, and don't actually answer the question that was posted. [more inside]
What to do when threads result in name calling?
See Inside [more inside]
A Tricky Question, a Disappointing Response.
I'm referring to this question and this response. Look, Unified Theory, I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt here, and assume that maybe you didn't read the entirety of a rather long and rambly OP. And I actually agree with parts of your post - I hated the way the question was phrased as well, and I agree that the assumption that it's automatically creepy for an older guy to be attracted to a younger woman is both sexist and ageist. And, I agree with the many other posters stating the the OP that she handled the situation in a very naive way, and needs to give serious thought to how she sets her own boundaries in situations like this.
But. [more inside]
A reasonless What's-Your-Favorite
I'd like to post a "What's your favorite X" AskMe. I'm using it to find the one answer I need for a specific use (and I'd be happy to update about my project in the thread later), but I think talking about my use in advance would bias people toward a too-narrow set of responses. [more inside]
SLYT My Wrists
If we're going to have a higher bar for Palestine threads, we need a higher bar for viral adverts and cats being funny. Just like we need something to go on beyond GRARbait, we need something a bit deeper than Cute Overload-fodder or verbatim, analysis/critique-free reposts of ads from corporate channels on Youtube.
This is a problem in the same way that all the news sites running the same fluff stories is a problem: If we're going to have the same content as everywhere else, why should Metafilter even exist?
I appreciate the site for when we can have interesting conversations about things most of us didn't know about yet- but we all already know about cute cats and funny adverts. There are other websites where you can watch nothing but that, all day. We need to have a standard that's higher than the rest of the Net. [more inside]
This is a problem in the same way that all the news sites running the same fluff stories is a problem: If we're going to have the same content as everywhere else, why should Metafilter even exist?
I appreciate the site for when we can have interesting conversations about things most of us didn't know about yet- but we all already know about cute cats and funny adverts. There are other websites where you can watch nothing but that, all day. We need to have a standard that's higher than the rest of the Net. [more inside]
I/P discussions....
I know it's a hard subject to discuss civilly. I have a modest suggestion on how to improve such discussions. [more inside]
Immediate derail material
This is a way that many posts about independent games tend to go, where it is almost immediately sidetracked in to a discussion about Windows vs. everything else. Part of the solution is probably to put a windows only notification on the post, and part of the solution is probably just to move on without commenting if you're a mac user.
Post about limits to online education out of bounds?
Minnesota attempts limit access to free online education (Cousera) and somehow its out of bounds for the FP? [more inside]
To memail or not to memail - that is the question.
What is the etiquette (or should be the etiquette) of memailing responses to individuals as a result of AskMe comments? [more inside]
"Speaking of Personal Experience" isn't a citation.
Saying "I have personal experience in this" doesn't invalidate or even contradict information given in ask. [more inside]
Does Meta/Ask have a 'Trigger' etiquette for posts?
Is there a 'triggering' etiquette here? If so what is it, because I can't find any reference to tagging posts as 'triggering' on the FAQ. [more inside]
…and I hate baseball
Isn’t coming into this thread to say "Photorealism sucks" and this one to say "I’m not into fashion, who cares what your jeans look like, quit being so shallow" pretty much the same as coming into a baseball post and saying you hate baseball? [more inside]
Finding out which airline has this issue
Would this be an appropriate AskMe? If not, do you know an alternate way to pursue the info? (The "doctors can't be women" airline thing.) [more inside]
I plant this flag in the name of...
Can we please have a rundown on flagging etiquette? There seems to be a lot of "flag and move one" response from the mods as of late, and while that may be the best choice of action for a lot of the scenarios, 9 times out of 10 I'm stuck on the fence as to whether or not I should. [more inside]
You have many questions, Mr. Sparkle.
I'm a prolific AskMe user, but I think I'm doing it wrong. [more inside]
So what exactly is the purpose of the profile?
What's wrong with referencing someone's profile info in a discussion? [more inside]
It's okay to wait a few hours
I would humbly posit that if you can't consume the content of an FPP while at work, perhaps you should hold off until you get home before commenting on it? The thread will (usually) still be there, I promise. [more inside]
Please be aware of the implications of the language you're using.
Let's please not call people c**ksuckers. [more inside]
Curiosity about a deletion
Over in the Marc Driscoll thread, I made a comment that implied I was waiting for another member to appear before commenting. My intent was to reference a history of interesting discussions we've had about the topic, but I can see that it might've been misunderstood as a cheap shot, implying that I wanted to make fun of that person. The comment was deleted, and while I'm not terribly worked up over it I'm curious.
Are there any good rules of thumb about shout-outs to other MeFi folks in threads they might be interested in? Are there good ways to reference pet topics without sounding like you're bagging on someone?
Metafilter Etiquette 101: Obit Threads
Kim Jong Il died yesterday and everybody took a long, satisfying shit on his corpse. Some were confused about why was this OK, though. The mods felt this has been explained before and needed no further explanation. I disagree. [more inside]
Pre-emptive moderation considered bad?
Pre-emptive moderation considered bad? [more inside]
Steve Jobs obit threads
It isn't a mod issue, really, but since there are now functionally two Steve Jobs obit threads, would it be possible or desirable for the community to relocate arguments about his moral worth and/or Apple's products to one rather than the other? [more inside]
Did you actually read the question?
It's not helpful to answer a question you haven't read. It's driving me nuts that people don't bother to understand what's being asked, what the situation is, or what the OP is actually saying. [more inside]
Leukemia story makes (inter)national headlines, but is deleted from mefi
Maybe it was not written dispassionately enough, but a post I feel is newsworthy was deleted - please weigh in? [more inside]